Wednesday 29 March 2017

Develop Your Personality

Though everyone is born unique, we all possess certain traits that set us apart from the rest. These traits define who we are and how we respond to situations. Often, we end up clinging onto the ones that do more harm than good and end up undervaluing ourselves. The fact, however, remains that we are all unique in our own ways and only need to ignite that dormant passion and give a boost to our persona. This is where personality development comes in. There are places where personality development courses are conducted. The personality development classes in Mumbai are of much importance.

Personality development is nothing but the act of moving from an inert and disinterested state of existence to a zealous, motivated and joyous living one. It’s is the act of celebrating your uniqueness without hesitations and boundaries, but only with more enthusiasm and liveliness.
Every Art of Living program comprises of the potent tool - Sudarshan Kriya to enhance and develop your personality. Take the first step of breathing right and you are well on your way to developing your personality. The personality development courses help a person to enhance their personality.
Personality Development Tips

Be Confident:

Confidence is certainly the most important factor which adds to the personality of any individual. A person’s confidence might go down due to mistakes, failure, guilt or any other thing which is undesirable. Some people often develop inferiority complex due to their physical appearance, caste, financial status etc.  Such people perceive confidence as their weakness, while the truth is that confidence is an individual’s biggest strength.

 Your confidence reflects your character, attitude, and passion.  You should be confident about who you are and whatever you do. Being confident will help you to express yourself and stand amongst the crowd.

2. Improve Your Communication Skills:

 The way you speak reflects who you are. Be polite and gentle with your words. Use decent words while interacting with everyone.  Always think before you speak. English being globally accepted is preferred everywhere. So work on your English proficiency by listening to English news, reading English newspapers and magazines. Always use simple words general interactions.

3. Dress Up Well:

Dressing sense means the general sense about how you should dress up for office, party or any other occasion.  A person should, therefore, wear according to the situation and according to how well the attire suits him/her. Good looks no doubt will add to your personality but what matters the most is how you are dressed up. Even a 5’4 guy with a dark complexion can have a good personality if he knows how to carry himself.  Dressing sense thus plays a major role in personality and confidence development.

4. Do What You’re Passionate About and Be Passionate About What You Do:

Always follow your passion and do what interests you. This will not only help you to grow as a person but will also add to your confidence. Be passionate about your work. Make sure that you give your best in whatever you do. This will add to your growth and strengthen your self-confidence. NEVER miss a chance to prove yourself.

5. Watch Your Body Language:

Body language plays an important role to judge a person’s confidence and personality.  Try to make use of positive gestures while interacting with others. This shows that you’re at ease while having a discussion. Studies reflect that 75% of our communication happens non-verbally. Your gestures thus play a vital role while interacting with others.

6. Improve Your Social Skills:

The man is a social animal. Every individual has to interact with a group of people one time or the other. Being shy or introvert is the least desirable characteristics in any individual. Always stay updated with the current affairs and what is happening in your society. Try participating in group discussions and seminars. This will help you to be more open and adjust amongst a group of individuals.
Personality development enhances one’s personality and makes an individual a mature professional who can contribute effectively towards the success of an organization. Personality development helps in extracting the best out of employees, yielding higher profits for the organization. So the personality development courses should be attended by all of those who feel less confident about themselves.

Develop Communication Skills

Communication skills training is fundamental to success in many aspects of life.  Many jobs require strong communication skills and people with good communication skills usually enjoy better interpersonal relationships with friends and family. Fortunately, you can learn how to improve your communication skills more clearly and effectively. Whether you’re trying to improve communication skills with your spouse, kids, boss, or coworkers, you can improve your skills that enable you to effectively connect with others, build trust and respect, and feel heard and understood.
Effective communication is a key interpersonal skill and learning how to improve your communication skills has many benefits. Communication is a two-way process, so improving communication involves both how we send and receive messages.
There are certain things you need to keep in mind to further improve your communication skills:

Connect on a personal level if possible. Look for places where interests overlap if any exist. Even in a professional situation, there may be some personal interests in common, hobbies, sports, children, etc. Take care to avoid such controversial topics as political leanings or religious beliefs. A real sense of connection makes a difference in the tone and outcome of the current conversation and most likely future communications as well.

Stay positive

Maintaining a positive attitude is crucial to productive communications. Be constructive rather than negative or complaining. People shut down, effectively ending any real communication when they feel attacked or criticized. Be encouraging and kind even when expressing concerns or displeasure.

Watch tone

While it’s sometimes necessary to be assertive in order to make your point, don’t be aggressive. There is a fine line between the two. Try not to cross it. An adversarial tone is not in any way productive. Be confident and direct, while still adopting a calm, cooperative tone.

Focus on the result
It’s important to figure out what result you are after before you start the conversation. Knowing your objective helps you to direct the conversation and to remain on point. What are you hoping to accomplish? Are you trying to give help, resolve a conflict, or collaborate on a project or issue? Are you seeking advice or trying to influence behavior? Your desired outcome helps to determine the flow of communication.


Eye contact is crucial. Be polite and don’t interrupt. No one likes being interrupted and though it’s natural to want to rush in to make your point, it’s very disrespectful of the other person’s thoughts. Try to understand the other person’s perspective. Maintain an open mind. Learning how to value different viewpoints can be an important communication tool.

Notice non-verbal cues

Watch body language. Lack of eye contact, distraction, or fidgeting are often signs of restlessness or impatience. Yawning or sighing are usually signs of mental or physical fatigue. When you notice these types of non-verbal signals, it’s a sign that this conversation is not going to be a productive one. Quickly wrap up the conversation, postpone the conversation, or inquire about the discomfort if your relationship allows.

Now you know the basics how to improve communication skills for a better social interaction. Communication skills training holds a very important place in everybody's life in today’s world.

Friday 16 December 2016

Failure is just a new starting point

As they say, failure is good as long as it does not become a habit. Dealing with failure can be hard sometimes. You might feel like the weight of the whole world is on your shoulders till you get it right. However, it does not have to be this way. You may ask how to rebounce from failure? and there is  a very simple answer which is “you”. It may sound odd at first but it all depends on how you perceive certain circumstances and how you deal with them.

It will definitely take some time for you to finally reach your goal but it won't is impossible. First of all, you need to give yourself some time and a deadline to get yourself through this rough patch. During that time you should take into consideration the following steps:-
1.       Reflect on what happened at your workplace
2.       Allow yourself to reflect upon the emotions you faced during that incident. Don’t hold them back but feel them as putting all your feelings in a bottle will not help you grow.
3.       Look at what went wrong, if you can't see it go back and figure out what signs you might have missed that led up to the failure.
4.       Look at what you could have one differently.
You should know that looking at what went wrong and finding a proper solution are very crucial steps to help you rebounce from failure.
The second path leads you down the road ahead to what you can do differently next time. Areas you identify as contributing to a failure inevitably can be improved upon, and understanding what contributed to the negative outcome is a key to getting a better result. During this time, ask yourself: “What did I learn in this experience that I can apply next time?” Try to imagine yourself in the same situation and think about how you might prepare for it differently or how you might act on opportunities or react to specific obstacles.
Overcoming failure can be a task but it is never impossible to achieve. It may feel a bit uncomfortable at first but the results will surprise you. Yes, you will need to work towards overcoming this failure and it will require you to put in a lot of effort but you need to work your way through the process without taking too much time to dwell or fall back into negativity. Once you do reach success what better feeling is that?
At the end, everyone sees the light at the end of the dark tunnel. So don’t worry if you do fail because there is always some another way to achieve it and not just achieving it but you will have better rewards by the end of it.

Failure is something that will test you but how to rebounce from failure lies in your hands as you hold the power to achieve something great even after a drastic fall. 

Friday 11 November 2016

Get the best corporate training

Corporate training is when you are accomplished by a person that works in a business etiquette training. They share their knowledge and skills to a group of employees. If you choose to become a corporate training person there certain steps that are required to finally have success. With this success, you become one of the best business etiquette trainers. However, before we indulge into what this all means, we will break down the points so that it becomes easier for you to understand what is required. For example, an etiquette book will tell you to bring a little gift when you are a dinner guest in someone's home, especially if it is your first visit — you know what is expected of you, and your gift shows respect and gratitude.

As they say with great power comes great responsibilities and what better way to become a successful business etiquette trainer with simple points to follow. In this blog, we will look at a few points that will help you reach heights you have never dreamed of. So let’s get started and see how easy it is to reach these limits.
1.       Body language
As they say, actions speak louder than words, so you will have to be extra careful with the way you walk the talk and generally carry yourself. It’s is easy said than done as sometimes it comes naturally. Do not slouch and walk. Sit in a relaxed posture and make always eye contact while speaking.

2.       Learn the job
When people do ask you questions you should be well aware of everything that is going on. Do your field work so that you are not shorthanded on any information that they thought of you. Organize yourself.

3.       Communication
Talking is a very big priority in this field of work. You should know how and when to talk. Your information should be to the point and should also be well said. Words can act lick a weapon, have to engage your people with confidence and poise. There are a number of ways for you to work on this, and you should look for opportunities to develop all the time.

4.       Remain a student of your industry
No matter how well you turn out to be in your area of expertise you should always remember that the world keeps changing faster than you know it. So stay up to date with the new things coming your way. Latest trends and other areas of work.

Now that you have got a gist of corporate training and business etiquette training so now you can start the corporate training in the right way. It’s always nice to work on yourself to make yourself better so that you can move up the ladder.

Friday 28 October 2016

Develop your personality - Image consulting courses

Personality Development Courses are many but to find the right class that will help you develop your personality in the right way then there is nothing like it. Personality Development Classes that allow you to spread your wings and climb up the ladder to success. The classes should involve you to contribute personal’s character and image. Personal Development Courses will allow you to develop individual determination and judged by his/her appearance, behavior, attitude education, value and some more varying characteristics.
It is hard to find the right Personality Development Course that will help you reach heights that you have never reached before. There are many in Mumbai but the right Personality Development Classes in Mumbai, will give you an all-round development.
The steps to develop your personality are listed below:

1.       Be Confident
Being confidant is the most important factor which adds up to anyone’s personality. Your confidence reflects on your character. You should be confident about who you are and whatever you do. Being confident will help you to express yourself and stand amongst the crowd.

2.       Improve your communication Skills
Effective communication is one of the most important life skills we can learn—yet one we don’t usually put a lot of effort into. Whether you want to have better conversations in your social life or get your ideas across better at work, here are some essential tips for learning to communicate more effectively.

3.       Dress up Well
You can be a person that can talk well but until you don’t dress well people won’t take you seriously. Dressing sense means the general sense about how you should dress up for office, party or any other occasion.  

4.       Watch your body language
It might not seem very important but a little gesture can say a lot about you. It can speak louder than words. Body language includes everything, from the way you walk, talk, and sit. Walk in an upright position with shoulders straight. Do not droop. Sit in a relaxed posture and make always eye contact while speaking.

5.       Improve your social skills
Meeting new people is very important as it opens you up to different personality’s altogether. As you expand your horizon and explore yourself in larger groups of people. This will also give you the opportunity to know more about different cultures, lifestyles etc. Putting yourself out there will have a positive effect on your own personality

Everyone makes mistakes, but learning from them is the best one can do. Working on the above mentioned characteristics will help you to be entitled as a person with a good personality. We all want to be successful but unless we get the right personality development classes only then can we grow. Start now and work on your personality to make yourself better. We always like to help you to reach heights that you would not have expected. Get into a Personality Development Classes in Mumbai, will give you an all-round development. We wait to help you out. 

Thursday 27 October 2016

Be stylish this winter

winter is the time for you to put on something cozy and warm so that you don’t catch the chill of winter. However being cozy and warm is not the only thing but being a bit stylish this winter can turn some heads as well. Knowing what winter wear and fashion suits you and what you should go for is also very important.
Being stylish is something that every wants to be. But knowing what to wear for the particular season needs a serious look at. If you are a guy then focus on some details for example funky socks, rolled up jeans, trousers in boots, printed scarves, hats, beanies etc. For example if you are a guy that loves leather jackets know that too much leather Is not good to wear too much leather at one go.
So men when you do pick up your leather jacket this winter wear a t-shirt or a shirt, and to top it all with your coat. A cool beanie with some shades and motorcycle boots will also do the trick. You a business lad? Tired of donning the same boring grey suit every day, from behind that boring grey desk? Ding! Ding! Pay attention: thanks to Mad Man series, all those 50’s, 60’s men styles are back. I’ve got one word for you: DAPPER style!

Having good style sense you will understand that people will start noticing what you wear. If you want to make a good first impression then you need to look up how to put your outfits together. It's always good to know what to wear. For men getting clothes that fit properly which generally mean finding jeans that suit your body type.
The style of mismatching certain elements of your outfit but you should also know what colors go together. When you plan to wear a suit then you should know that the belt, watch and shoes should match.
Women! It’s time to pull out those boots or uggs that you have put at the back of your closet and slash them around. Try wearing skinny jeans with a stylish jacket. If you are looking for what type of jacket try looking for the baseball jackets. As said before find out the winter wear and fashion are best for your body type.  It’s great to try out new styles but look for the ones that define you.
Dressing up well can make a great first impression. You can be a person that can talk well but until you don’t dress well people won’t take you seriously. Dressing sense means the general sense about how you should dress up for office, party or any other occasion.  

It’s time to go shopping for the best outfits this winter wear and fashion. Look online for the best deals and if possible when you go to the stores ask people if the outfits you have picked out compliments your body.  Stay up to date with the winter wear and fashion, make some heads turn this winter!


Tuesday 25 October 2016

Etiquette Training

Corporate training is when you are educated or instructed by a person that works in a business etiquette training. They send across their knowledge and skills to a group of employees. If by chance you want to be a corporate training person then here are a few steps that will help you to be a successful business etiquette trainer. Before we get into this lets first look at what etiquette means. Many people think etiquette is about table manners in fancy restaurants, but quite simply, it is expected behavior that shows respect, meant to make everyone feel comfortable. For example, an etiquette book will tell you to bring a little gift when you are a dinner guest in someone's home, especially if it is your first visit — you know what is expected of you, and your gift shows respect and gratitude.

1.       Body Language
As said in most of the blogs body language is very important. It might not seem very important but a little gesture can say a lot about you. It can speak louder than words. Body language includes everything, from the way you walk, talk, and sit. Walk in an upright position with shoulders straight. Do not droop. Sit in a relaxed posture and make always eye contact while speaking.

2.       Decide which area you want to work in
There are a variety of business settings, but you should think on what you would like to do and what is the perfect match for you.  Think of the field you are interested in, being adaptable can be of an advantage but having a clear head space in what field you would like to get into.

3.       Learn about the job
After you have decided which field you need to look at the type of work that you will be doing send some time in planning and organizing that will help you enable that training sessions so that it will be of success.

4.       Improve communication skills
Communication is the central element to successful corporate training so it's crucial that you really target this as an area to improve before you try to enter the job market. Trainers will spend a lot of time talking to large groups and need to be engaging and clear in how they do this. There are a number of ways for you to work on this, and you should look for opportunities to develop all the time.

5.       Remain a student of your industry
No matter how well you turn out to be in your area of expertise you should always remember that the world keeps changing faster than you know it. So stay up to date with the new things coming your way. Latest trends and other areas of work.

Now that you have got a gist of corporate training and business etiquette training so now you can start the corporate training in the right way. It’s always nice to work on yourself to make yourself better so that you can move up the ladder.