Thursday, 27 October 2016

Be stylish this winter

winter is the time for you to put on something cozy and warm so that you don’t catch the chill of winter. However being cozy and warm is not the only thing but being a bit stylish this winter can turn some heads as well. Knowing what winter wear and fashion suits you and what you should go for is also very important.
Being stylish is something that every wants to be. But knowing what to wear for the particular season needs a serious look at. If you are a guy then focus on some details for example funky socks, rolled up jeans, trousers in boots, printed scarves, hats, beanies etc. For example if you are a guy that loves leather jackets know that too much leather Is not good to wear too much leather at one go.
So men when you do pick up your leather jacket this winter wear a t-shirt or a shirt, and to top it all with your coat. A cool beanie with some shades and motorcycle boots will also do the trick. You a business lad? Tired of donning the same boring grey suit every day, from behind that boring grey desk? Ding! Ding! Pay attention: thanks to Mad Man series, all those 50’s, 60’s men styles are back. I’ve got one word for you: DAPPER style!

Having good style sense you will understand that people will start noticing what you wear. If you want to make a good first impression then you need to look up how to put your outfits together. It's always good to know what to wear. For men getting clothes that fit properly which generally mean finding jeans that suit your body type.
The style of mismatching certain elements of your outfit but you should also know what colors go together. When you plan to wear a suit then you should know that the belt, watch and shoes should match.
Women! It’s time to pull out those boots or uggs that you have put at the back of your closet and slash them around. Try wearing skinny jeans with a stylish jacket. If you are looking for what type of jacket try looking for the baseball jackets. As said before find out the winter wear and fashion are best for your body type.  It’s great to try out new styles but look for the ones that define you.
Dressing up well can make a great first impression. You can be a person that can talk well but until you don’t dress well people won’t take you seriously. Dressing sense means the general sense about how you should dress up for office, party or any other occasion.  

It’s time to go shopping for the best outfits this winter wear and fashion. Look online for the best deals and if possible when you go to the stores ask people if the outfits you have picked out compliments your body.  Stay up to date with the winter wear and fashion, make some heads turn this winter!


1 comment:

  1. good stuff

    you can
