Monday 17 October 2016

Personality Training

There is no such thing as having an objective good personality. Everyone likes the different type of people. The main key is for you to build a personality that you yourself can be proud off and confident in. How to develop personality may sound hard but will always have a positive side to it. How often do we hear this term, from our mentors, our teachers, on the covers of self-help books or on the banners of institutes and learning centers? The abundance of the usage of this term signals towards its importance in today’s life. So let’s get down to the list of things that you should do to know how to develop the personality.
1.    Know Yourself
Before you get into anything you should know where you stand and truly know who you are. Analyzing your own traits, strengths, and weaknesses.  You should know everything about yourself and what all you need to work on as well. Don’t be shy to accept flaws about yourself because nobody is perfect.

2.    Have your opinion
To really know how to develop personality having your own opinion and being able to confidently put your views across to people during convocations and impress them as you will be the one that is well informed and know what you are saying. Be up to date with things that are happening around.

3.    Meet new people
Meeting new people is very important as it opens you up to different personalities altogether. As you expand your horizon and explore yourself in larger groups of people. This will also give you the opportunity to know more about different cultures, lifestyles etc. Putting yourself out there will have a positive effect on your own personality

4.    Be a good listener
It is very important that you learn how to listen to other people. Even if they differ in opinion that is fine but you need to be able to listen to contradicting thoughts and opinions. Maintain direct eye contact this assures the person that is talking to you that you are paying attention to only them and not getting distracted.

5.    Body Language
It might not seem very important but a little gesture can say a lot about you. It can speak louder than words. Body language includes everything, from the way you walk, talk, and sit. Walk in an upright position with shoulders straight. Do not droop. Sit in a relaxed posture and make always eye contact while speaking.

Lastly, just be yourself. It might be easy said than done but until you don’t show people who you really are they will take you as a fake. Each one of us is different but that’s the beauty of being unique. So if someone does ask you what’s the most important thing of how to develop a personality? You know what to say.  Just everything you do, have faith in yourself and put in your hard work. There can be nothing more appealing in your personality than an incredible confidence.

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