Tuesday 24 May 2016

Business etiquette training is a must for budding entrepreneurs

Business etiquette is a set of manners that is accepted or required in a profession. Often upheld by custom, it is enforced by the members of an organization. Those who violate business etiquette are considered offensive. The penalty for such behavior frequently lies in the disapproval of other organization members.
Business etiquette is not just knowing what to discuss during a business meeting or how to address business colleagues;   it is a way of presenting yourself in such a way that you will be taken seriously. This involves demonstrating that you have the self-control necessary to be good at your job, expressing knowledge of business situations and having the ability to make other comfortable around you. Poor business etiquette can cost you the trust of your workers and your customers, and the loss of valuable business opportunities.

Business etiquette training helps the budding entrepreneurs for grooming.  Business etiquette involves communicating effectively. This includes always returning phone calls and emails. When calling or receiving a call, you should always identify yourself and your department, and speak in a polite and considerate manner. Personalize the conversation with a short question about the other person rather than rushing straight into business. This will help you to make a connection with your caller. When sending an email, use a specific subject line and keep the message businesslike and not overly personal or casual.
Business etiquette training program also includes dressing appropriately. This shows consideration for others, and indicates that you take yourself and your job seriously. An unkempt appearance indicates that you do not care about yourself or respect those around you. When you are unsure what type of dress is required, it is best to err on the conservative side. For work-related social events, do not be afraid to ask what the dress code will be.
Good etiquette involves showing respect not only to your superiors, but also to your peers and subordinates; in other words, to everyone. If you treat everyone with respect, you will avoid making costly mistakes and experiencing discomfort by accidentally treating a superior in a disrespectful way.

Company Image
Company image is reflected by employee appearance. Company values are reflected in employee treatment of clients and other employees.
• Employee Appearance that Promotes Your Company Image
• Polished and Confident Sales Force
• Effective, Polite, and Timely Communications
• Front Line Employees with Exceptional Social Skills
• Improved Customer Service
• Events That Follow Protocol For Maximum Respect
• Higher Productivity
Employee Satisfaction
Satisfied employees remain employees. Satisfaction comes in part from harmonious and respectful relationships with other employees and self-confidence in those relationships.
• Increased Job Satisfaction
• Improved Self-Confidence
• Effective and Considerate Problem Solving Skills
• Increased Self-Respect and Respect for Others
• Improved Relations with Fellow Employees
• Improved Promote-ability
• Improved Workplace Behavior
Client Retention
When clients feel respected and are treated well, they are loyal customers.
• Recognize and Appreciate the Polished Difference
• Increased Credibility
• Consistent Message of Respect
• Confidence
• Trust
• Deeper Relationships
• Loyalty

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