Tuesday 31 May 2016

Personal image makeover

First impression are lasting ones. Personal image makeover is crucial to self-branding. When people meet each other and talk about other professionals they never remember what you were wearing but they always remember that you exude professionalism and confidence. Whether one accepts it or not the society is going to perceive a person by his appearance and how he takes care of his looks.
Personal image makeover programs help employee of an organization in grooming them about how they appear and present themselves in the corporate world. These programs help in building up personality. Change your image and you can change your life. Your self-esteem soars when you know you look good. You can have an image so dynamic and compelling that when you enter a room everyone wants to know who you are and what you do? You need to put your image in the hands of a recognized EXPERT with a proven track record by indulging yourself in a personal image makeover.

This personal image makeover workshop is designed to transform your appearance from head to toe so you become the person you were meant to be. Your image will be a "10" for every occasion, no matter how casual or how formal the scene. Nothing is as important as how you feel. You know if you don't look your best, your confidence plummets and you let opportunities pass you and you lose money! Can you afford to let that happen?
You can achieve the business and life of your dreams with personal image makeover.
So how do we ensure that we are always displaying a clean and sharp image?
·         Appearance – you don’t get a second chance to make an impression. If you are not upto par when you are meeting someone for the first time they will not remember.
·         Interaction – the way you speak, act and treat others shows a great deal of the type of a person you are. Be cautious of the way you portray yourself. Whether you are in a business meeting or a corner drugstore remember that you  may run into someone there that you would prefer would not see you.
·         Non-verbal communication – it is not only what you speak but what you don’t. body language and facial gestures are just important as the words you use.
You can improve your overall image by the following-
·         Walk and move confidently
·         Offer a firm handshake
·         Make good eye contact
·         Greet anyone using their name
·         Dress according to the occasion
·         Be open to small talk
·         Use proper language
·         Project a friendly and warm voice while you speak
·         Be nice and be polite
Many people these days are looking for new jobs, or even starting their own business. An improved professional image can help you not only cause you a great first impression but will also boost your self-esteem and increase the level of self- confidence. When your professional image is clear and sharp, you show the world that you know what you want.

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