Thursday 30 June 2016

Personal Image Management

An Image is the picture another person has of us. It can change, it can grow and it can occupy so much mind-space that we naturally become top of mind recall. Image is another word for appearance. The elements of Image or appearance include clothing, grooming, and body language including etiquette. First impression are lasting ones. Personal image makeover is crucial to self-branding. When people meet each other and talk about other professionals they never remember what you were wearing but they always remember that you exude professionalism and confidence. Whether one accepts it or not the society is going to perceive a person by his appearance and how he takes care of his looks.
 Image is the physical representation of who you are and what you are all about—your attitudes, appearance, and actions. Everyone produces an Image, consciously or unconsciously. You can achieve the business and life of your dreams with personal image management.
Image Management is creating an authentic, appropriate, attractive, and affordable personal or professional Image which increases your confidence, credibility, capability, and productivity while contributing to continuing success. Personal Image Management is an effective way to attract others—to encourage others to regard you favorably and with continued interest. Positive self-presentation is an open invitation to become acquainted with the person inside. It is an effective way to influence the opinion or actions of others. Although there are many behavioral skills, one of the most important and which gets noticed first is Attitude. Your attitude determines your altitude in life. 
Effective Personal Image Management aids you in achieving personal and professional success. Some people have a natural talent or ability to present themselves appropriately and attractively. Most do not. The good news is that Image Management skills can be learned, then practiced till they become second nature. Some of the other words we could use to talk about Personal Image Management are self-presentation, self-promotion, and professional presence. All of these words relate to our appearance, our sense of self, and our comfort level. Significantly get a personal image makeover done for business presentation networking, special events, and public speaking and media engagements.
This personal image makeover workshop is designed to transform your appearance from head to toe so you become the person you were meant to be. Your image will be a "10" for every occasion, no matter how casual or how formal the scene. Nothing is as important as how you feel. You know if you don't look your best, your confidence plummets and you let opportunities pass you and you lose money! Can you afford to let that happen?

Many people these days are looking for new jobs, or even starting their own business. An improved professional image can help you not only cause you a great first impression but will also boost your self-esteem and increase the level of self- confidence. When your professional image is clear and sharp, you show the world that you know what you want.

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