Monday 13 June 2016

Soft skill training the best way to develop yourself

If you are really good at getting clients, and not so good at retaining them then there are chances of you having a soft skill gap. Soft skills are nothing but personal attributes that enable someone to interact effectively and harmoniously with other people. Soft skills are a person’s Emotional Quotient (EQ). Comprising communication skills, self-management skills, leadership and interpersonal skills, they also include personal habits, friendliness, optimism and other similar traits. If we use a broad and relevant definition, they include the way you present yourself, your vocal and verbal communication skills, body language, etiquette, your emotional intelligence and empathy, stress and time management. They also include effective team management and leadership skills, your ability to negotiate well and your coaching skills too.
Training on soft skills becomes all the more relevant in a country like India where the education system does not delve into personality development. Soft skills training are essential because we do not have it in our academic curricula. Therefore, corporate houses have to take up the task of grooming employees who are the link between the company and the external world, so that they are able to present themselves better. In the current scenario of global competition, organizations have realized the role of soft skills training’ in development and growth of their business.  To enhance professionalism among employees and represent the brand effectively in the market, ‘soft skills training’ has been identified as the key factor.
Today, most of the organizations have identified soft skills training’ and integrated the same while imparting training to their employees which in turn generates a higher degree of loyalty and employee retention.

Benefits of soft skill training are:
         ability to communicate effectively with co-workers, employers, clients and customers, friends and family members: relationship enhancement 
         improvement of  time management, organisational and goal setting skills
         development of leadership skills to improve teamwork, creativity, efficiency & productivity 
         development of presentation skills to enhance sales, project explanations, self-confidence, relationship development
         ability to recognize stress symptoms & develop stress deflecting strategies
         effective strategies for transition and change
         brain storming & problem solving strategies to increase creativity and collaborative outcomes

Soft skill training not only focuses on verbal and vocal communication, body language, etiquettes, and stress and time management but also inculcates the value to deal people with confidence. Realizing the fact and importance of soft skills within the employees, organizations have turned their attention to soft skills during the selection process. It’s important to inculcate soft skill development when you are dealing with people at workplace. Training in the areas such as soft skills, Communication skills, Email etiquette, telephone etiquette, listening skills transform the employees and inculcate an attitude that is required to represent the organization to the global business world. Soft skill training help people improve adapt and apply their skills efficiently to handle situations at different levels. 

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