Tuesday 9 August 2016

A good image goes a long way- personal image makeover

“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent”- Eleanor Roosevelt.
How you look, your attitude and style say a lot about you. From the first impression to the last, your image, the perception that people have about you, affects your success in every aspect of life - your life on the job, your social life, even your love life! This is why personal image makeover is the need of the hour.

Your image is essentially a reflection of how other people view you. We tend to see ourselves the way other people see us and thus, we have this need to make an impression. Somewhere we do want others to look up to us. In a corporate setting this applies even more so. If you want to get to the top you need not just your hard skills but soft skills. How you carry yourself, how you communicate, and your attitude can affect others and your own view of you, either negatively or positively.

Your personal image has a number of elements. The way you dress, the colors you choose, the way you talk and the way you relate to others are some of the more important ones. They say “don’t judge a book by its cover”, but at the end of the day, people do measure you in the first 15 seconds of seeing you, even if unconsciously. Ask yourself why is it that you stress so much over what to wear before a job interview? Neat hair, tidy clothes, confident voice and an assured look in your eye can affect whether you get the job or not, despite your skill set.
It’s all a façade, a show, but notwithstanding the superficiality, our body language actually does communicate a lot about our character, social status, intelligence et cetera. To elicit that favorable response from our peers and seniors we do look for that personal image makeover.
To get that personal image makeover to create that professional look one needs to concentrate on:
·         hair
·         makeup
·          style
·         body type
·          wardrobe building
·          Communication skills and attitude.

Hair: Your hair is a really important accessory.  In a corporate setting, hair should be styled in a neat and tidy manner. If your hairstyle is modern and cut in a sleek but smart fashion, it can make a statement. If you need an updated look find a hairstylist who knows the latest hair fashions. Make sure it is in line with the rules and regulations of your workplace.
Makeup: should light and conservative. A bit of foundation, or a BB cream, light lipstick and eye-liner can really help define your look. For men, apply some light sunscreen, some balm so your lips don’t appear chapped. A clean shaven look is best suited for the workplace. If you look good you feel good, others will naturally display positive attitude towards you.
Style: Everyone has their own personal style statement. If you find styling yourself difficult then seek the help of a professional. Learning how to pair outfits, matching colors, finding the best fit for your clothes, speaks volumes about your personality. The extra effort to dress properly is always a bonus and will be appreciate by your co-workers.
Body Type: The same outfit will look different depending on one’s body size. Body size is nothing to be ashamed of. Even if you are big boned, find clothes that suit your body. This will ensure you are not only comfortable but feel good in what you wear. Understanding what clothes work for you and don’t can be quite tricky. The length of your trousers, to the fit of your blazer, even the size of your heel, can either boost your confidence or make you really self-conscious.
Building a Wardrobe: it’s about knowing what you need and not over spending. Build it according to your work, your social life and your everyday wear. If you are in a corporate setting your wardrobe cannot be filled with crop tops and converse or sparkly heels.
Your personal Image makeover is incomplete without-
Communication Skills: We communicate using our body language, intonation of the voice and our listening skills. Good communication skills can help improve your company's profits, and in turn increase your income. It can increase your chances at a promotion and your job satisfaction.
Attitude: Research has shown that the number one reason people lose their jobs is because of their inability to get along with others, in short - a poor attitude. Your attitude is how you engage with your peers, Listen to others, your reactions to others opinions, how you manage stress to how you solve disputes. A positive attitude is vital to survival at the workplace.

These are some of the elements to incorporate when considering a personal image makeover. It’s just polishing the rough edges so we can look and be the best we can be. 

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