Tuesday 16 August 2016

Bring Out Your Inner Entrepreneur- Skill Development

“If you can dream it do it”- Walt Disney
What skills does an entrepreneur possess? What makes an entrepreneur? What is entrepreneurship skills development?
There’s no one way to answer this question. Some say you are born with it, others say it can only be inculcated with hard work and dedication. In short, either you have it or you don't. But it doesn’t matter, because we can achieve anything if we just our minds to it.
India and the world today are booming with young innovators, start-ups and fresh energy. Everybody wants to create something they can call their own.  It’s like a niche you carve out just for you, a legacy you leave behind.
So, how does one go about this entrepreneurship skills development path and what are the steps to follow? Here are some:

Learning to look at the big picture
Entrepreneurship skills development starts with the main focus being on the big picture. What this entails is that you have to understand the industry that you are in and its interconnections. It means garnering an insight into how companies operate on a fundamental level and how businesses work from the ground-up. You need to be updated about the market trends, the Sensex, how capital and investments work. You need not be a business major, but you need to be aware about how a market works in order to play your part in it. Your knowledge will drive you and that in turn will drive your business.  
An appetite for success
Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower”- Steve Jobs
Entrepreneurship skills development is not just about learning and acquiring new skills, it is about having an inclination for success.”Where there is a will, there is always a way”, If you can will it you can do it, this requires not only motivation but an ability to push your own boundaries. The inconvenient truth is, this is your company that you are working to build and nobody is going to care about it apart from you. Become accomplished in the little things you do. If you want to succeed then plan and follow through. You can ensure this by planning your day well in advance. Remember a failure to plan is just a plan to fail.
“You don’t learn to walk by following rules, you learn by doing and falling over” – Richard Branson.

You can build up your self-confidence with the small achievements and then the big ones. The fact of the matter is this, even a Steve Jobs or a Bill Gates did not have much self-confidence when they started out. In Rudyard kipling’s Poem “If” he says,
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two imposters just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build ’em up with worn-out tools:

The only way to be confident is if you fall a few times, fail a few more times, and despite the failures and broken bones, start all over again. Don’t be afraid to be yourself. Make others believe in your vision. That's enough to make those investors trust you and give your venture a shot. Entrepreneurship skills development can require you to fake confidence at times, to just go for it. You can’t be the expert or a good leader without first making the rookie mistakes of a novice.


Resolve, determination and drive, that’s what you need to make a decision and follow through. A leader can be indecisive, can lack clarity, and can sometimes lose their vision. But a good leader knows how to bounce back from it. A good leader keeps the big picture in mind and plans around it, makes room for errors and also the solutions. Their decisions affect not only them but others too and this can be a huge responsibility to shoulder. But an entrepreneur has the courage to take risks. They must test the terrain to understand how it moves, and then adjust to it. Decisiveness will play a big role on your path towards Entrepreneurship skills development.

Listen carefully, Plan ahead, find solutions not problems focus on your goal and don’t be afraid to falter along the way. “If opportunity does not knock, build a door” – Milton Berle

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