Tuesday 26 July 2016

Here’s why you need a personal image makeover

It is said that the first impression is the last impression this is usually decided in the first 30 seconds of your appearance whether to make a presentation, sell a product or even to give an interview.  People form an instant opinion of you based on what you look like, and they use this appraisal to decide whether they would like to interact with you.  Hence, it is vital that you dress your best and leave a first great impression. 

A personal image makeover will not only help you give yourself a good corporate look but also help you project confidence, power and intelligence.  For instance when you go for an interview the first thought is, you want to show that you are confident, smart and likeable.  Your attitude and body language will present itself through the outfit that you wear.  Some may feel that clothes are inconsequential to their self-image, yet they fail to understand that it is a visual representation of the message they are trying to project.  One should reflect what their clothes should reveal about them, do they want to come across is sexy, showy, causal, uptight etc., or do they wish to portray a professional who is capable of handling tough situations at all times.

When doing a personal image makeover one should be aware of how to choose their outfits, men may necessarily think that a grey suit is sufficient, but they should not limit themselves.   Women should resist wearing very short skirts or dresses and very high heels.  In fact women should wear heels not higher than three inches and outfits that are comfortable yet in mode.  Men should avoid casual jeans and T-shirts.  Their outfits should be well matched and make them look smart and presentable. At work you want to showcase your professional skills so refrain from wearing clothes and accessories that are too distractive.

An Image Consultant helps their clients to transform them entire image persona, whether to attain a corporate look or enhance their personality for marriage.  Whatever the look desired one should follow a few tips to discover a brand new style of their own; Find a style icon – Notice how other successful people dress and behave, pay attention to what you like and get clear on what you want your makeover to achieve. Go big or go home: Don’t tip-toe around the look you want.  Own it and implement the style all the way.  Dress age appropriately: Let your wardrobe evolve with the times, with you age and what you do for a living. Pay attention to hygiene – Whether you’re a male or female body Odour is a big let-down.  Investing in a good cologne/perfume is a must.  Keep your body clean and take care of your skin.  Exfoliate, pluck and trim eyebrows, manicure and pedicure to keep your nails healthy and shinning.  Wear clean and ironed clothes. 

We live in a judgemental society and are critiqued about our looks whether we like it or not.  So it is important to think carefully about the physical and psychological image that we project when walking into a business meeting.  Giving yourself a personal image makeover is about looking and feeling your absolute best at the same time conveying confidence and success to everyone you meet.  

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