Thursday 28 July 2016

How good soft skill training will give you impeccable group skills

Many organisations are realising the importance of soft skills in addition to the technical skills. You may possess technical knowledge to get selected in an interview however the real test begins when you have to start communicating with your clientele. It is at this stage, a mastery of soft skill training will help you in your career.

Soft skills are basically the personal character traits or qualities each of us has. They make up who we are, this includes our attitudes, habits and how we interact with other people. They are not formal or technical skills. If you possess these skills you can excel as a leader because then delegating, problem solving, team building and motivating will become easier, most important you will know how to interact with people. However many employers have realized that many candidates with technical skills lack soft skill. It is important to balance the traditional skills with soft skills training, 
Research has indicated that there is a soft skill gap; i.e. a difference between technical skill and the soft skill. For instance:

• If you are good at getting clients, but not at retaining them, it is due to the communication skills gap.
• When you have lots of managers but no leaders, it is due to gap in skills gap.
• When there is a lot of staff turnover and you have to retain people, it is a gap in skills which we term as soft.
To enhance professionalism among employees and their clientele soft skill training has been identified as the key factor. The training will focus on improving
·         Verbal communication – People with good verbal communication skills have the ability to convey information to others effectively.
·         Interpersonal skills – Good interpersonal skills means one has the ability to communicate well,  is willing to listen to people without being judgemental, share ideas and assist co-workers when they need help.
·         Writing – Good written communication helps get the message across clearly.
·         Problem solving and critical thinking – Problem solving is the ability to identify a problem and come up with possible solutions.  Critical thinking skills allow you to evaluate each possible solution, using logic and reasoning to determine which one is most likely to be successful.
·         Active listening and learning– an attribute essential to ensure one listens to what other are saying without interrupting and also the willingness to pick up new skills and apply it to their jobs.
·         Organisational skills – skills acquired to take a systematic approach to every task.
·         Time management – A very crucial skill required to manage time to ensure tasks are completed according to deadlines
·         Team player – those who are team players are co-operative and can be leaders.
·         Professionalism
·         Improving comprehension skills
·         Flexibility and adaptability

Soft skills training courses helps the employee perform better at work. They allow them to use their technical skills and knowledge effectively and efficiently.  It helps them to interact with their employers, colleagues and customers. It also ensures work is completed on time. It also inculcates an attitude that is required to represent the organisation to the global business world.

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