Friday 8 July 2016

How proper professional etiquette training will help you construct meaningful business relationships

Professional etiquette is basically a code of conduct regarding interactions between individuals in a business.  When proper professional etiquette is observed all involved feel free and comfortable and work moves smoothly.  Professional etiquette plays a pivotal role in making a positive first impression. Professional etiquette can be applied to an individual’s work life, and includes emails, phone call and business meetings. Culture should also be considered when extending business etiquette. Culture in India is vastly different than those in the West and as such there many differences in dinning style, greetings, perceptions of body language and so forth.

Professional etiquette training will help develop a good image, improve our communication skills and teach us appropriate behaviour at the dining table or even at meetings. Some of the essential skills that a good training will develop are

·         Email Etiquette: Writing a professional email should be approached much differently than writing a personal one. The professional etiquette training will teach you the dos and don’ts of writing a professional email.
·         Telephone Etiquette: Telephone calls precede face-to-face meetings with important professional contacts. Thus when observing proper telephone etiquette you help to ensure that the person you are talking to will want a direct meeting to take place.
·         When meeting professional contacts you only get one chance to make a positive impression. Some factors in achieving such an impression are appropriate attire and physical appearances, the right verbal and non-verbal communication skills as well as the manners and good business etiquette practices. The right training will explain ways to tackle each aspect.
·         Business Meeting Etiquette: When you’ve been invited to meet in person with a professional contact the training will show you how to keep a few general rules in mind to show that you respect them and the time they gave you. Doing this will make a positive impression and will make the encounter easier for all parties.
·         Dining Etiquette Basics: There may be times when you will meet a business contact over a meal or attend a professional function where food is involved. It is possible that you many even attend a job interview held at a restaurant. For these reasons it is important to know proper dining etiquette so that you may make a good impression.

Professional etiquette training will open doors of opportunity for you. Your prospective clients and associates will form good opinions of you, based on your soft skills and business etiquette. If you are good at communicating and are relaxed in different business situations then you will inspire trust more rapidly than someone who lacks soft skills and appropriate etiquette. Being courteous, knowing how to handle business meetings and lunches leaves a lasting impression.  Etiquette is essential because they help others feels respected. And as such business etiquette training is important.  

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