Monday 26 September 2016

Image Makeover You Need

In simplest terms, your image is the perception, or opinion, other people have about you. And your image is created in the first impression someone has of you. You might be very confident on the inside, but if it doesn’t show on your face people will think you are weak. That’s why personal image management is slowly gaining a lot of popularity among the corporate ‘workabees’.
 It may just be your personal image that is affecting your career opportunities. Working in the corporate world can shower many benefits and prospects if you possess the skills and ability to deliver.  You may think that the corporate ladder can be mastered solely based on your performance, but often not the case in reality. It takes the right aptitude combined with the right personal image to deliver your best and then get noticed for it. This is why you may be in need of a personal image makeover.

If you are looking to project a powerful, confident and credible image, but don’t know where to start, you may want to consider hiring a personal image consultant. Whether you need help dressing professionally, speaking confidently, or having an overall image, a personal image consultant can point you in the right direction. They can assist you in everything, from shopping for the right clothes to working on how you speak. They are ready to help you create the most professional and confident image possible while still maintaining your unique personality. You can then apply these little tricks in your personal life, workspace and personally as well.
Networking is an essential part of succeeding in the corporate world and having the right image is central to this. Networking allows you to build contacts that can propagate you to achieve greater heights of success.  You will find that the personal image management and manners will give you that x factor to really make an impression wherever you go.
 A Personal Image consultant will not only give you an overall image transformation, but will even help you build relationships. 
Etiquette is something that many people tend to overlook, but a personal image consultant can give you the right etiquette skills that you need for those business social events. This will help immensely as at these gatherings as you will be interacting with clients and you need to look and speak confidently.

A personal image makeover can empower you to walk more confidently, speak in a self assured manner, and dress in a way that makes you feel good about yourself and all this will boost your confidence and self esteem. If you feel good about yourself, others will naturally be attracted to that aspect of you. So if you are looking for an image makeover then look no further than ICBI, Image Consulting Business Institute is breaking new ground in India and the world as the biggest brand in Image Consulting and Soft Skills Training space. It offers the most comprehensive and well-defined image consulting and Soft Skills Training programs in a scientific, yet functional approach.

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