Tuesday 20 September 2016

Be a Confident Presenter

Presenting ideas, products and solutions are an integral part of every corporate worker’s workday. Yet, many  never receive formal presentation skills training and find themselves falling short. If you find yourself short on confidence then you need to opt for presentation skills training. This will not only boost your much needed confidence, but will also help improve communication skills.

In the past, Presentation skills training was only available in exclusive seminars, time-consuming  and money crunching corporate classes. Now many organizations have cut training while the seminars are so expensive that they are out of reach for new employees and managers. Yet, you will find yourself presenting your ideas to a crowd every day. How can one get the training to improve communication skills without spending too much?

Image Consulting Business Institute (ICBI) is a pioneer in India. It offers the most comprehensive and well-defined image consulting and Soft Skills and Business Skills Training programs in a scientific, yet functional approach. If you are looking for presentation skills training in Mumbai, then ICBI is the place to go.

Participating in Presentation Skills Training is an assured strategy to deliver that impact at work.

1. Improves Confidence

Presentation Skills Training is about a learning process which includes videotaping your performance and reviewing explicit feedback on how to get better. By giving presentations to a small audience and being recorded in the process, you can scrutinize and also understand the nuances that are involved in making a presentation. You can study your own body language, voice modulation, eye contact and other aspects. A confident presenter speaks volumes over someone who is tentative or uncomfortable at the podium.

2. Delivers an Impact

Once you find yourself comfortable with a group you can then work on your impact by playing with several dynamics, including vocals, visuals, and verbal content. A polished presenter understands the importance of using their voice to engage the audience. You can do it by varying your pitch,  volume and even the pace at which you speak. Moreover, an experienced presenter knows how to use visual aids and construct their remarks in a way that garners maximum audience involvement. You will find these skills show up in formal presentations as well as day to day discussions and meetings. Making that investment in presentation skills training boosts your ability to make an impact in the boardroom, the client meeting, and in everyday discussions.

3. Stand Out from the Pack

It’s a cut throat job scene and management notices those who stand out from the pack. In today's hectic environment, the professional who is comfortable giving a presentation distinguishes automatically gets noticed. Increased comfort and confidence in presentation skills showcases one’s leadership in meetings. Stand out from your peers by demonstrating that you are an accomplished presenter who is comfortable in front of a crowd. You'll be glad you did when you get that next promotion! 

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