Wednesday 7 September 2016

Improve your communication skills

 “Communication leads to community, that is, to understanding, mutual valuing and intimacy”- Rollo May
Communication is not just about words or phrases aimlessly drifting in the space between people, it is the ability to also impact and inspire other people. What we say impacts the people around us and once we can utilize this tool of communication effectively, we can achieve anything from a peace treaty to a million dollar deal. If you’re looking at how to develop personality and how to improve communication skills then look no further as ICBI has the answer for you.
Image Consulting Business Institute (ICBI) is burgeoning in India and the world as the biggest brand in Image Consulting and Soft Skills Training space. It offers an inclusive and well-defined image consulting and Soft Skills Training programs in a scientific, yet practical approach.

Improving your communication skills can slowly take you to new heights of success. In today's world of growing connections and information networks, it is essential to know how to improve communication skills so that you stay ahead of the pack. It is an important aspect of how to develop personality to be more efficient in both the workplace and informal social settings
Being able to effectively communicate with others means that you have the potential to receive and relay information, a central asset considering that information today has jumped leaps and bounds.
Here are some tips that will help you answer two important questions- How to develop Personality? How to improve communication skills?
Attentive listener
Effective communication relies on your ability to listen attentively. Being an attentive listener allows you to concentrate on all aspects of a conversation. Being an attentive listener allows you to focus on what is being said and make sure that you grasp the point and not misunderstand it. It also makes the other party feel like they can confide in someone, makes them feel like they are being heard and they tend to look up to you for advice or guidance.
Improve Comprehension
A good way to improve on your comprehension is by learning to get involved in the conversation. The key is to understand how to ask questions whenever you think you miss out on a certain point. This shows you are engaged and are keen to know what is going on. Try to make use of your other senses during an ongoing conversation. The more you involve your other senses, the more you understand the finer nuances of a conversation. For example, notice the non-verbal behavior like expressions, body posture et cetera while talking to someone. Accordingly, you can change the way to respond or react to what the other is saying.
Respond and don’t React
During conversations, try to respond instead of trying to react. Responding involves the use of your mind whereas reacting usually entails your emotions getting the better of you. Responding allows you to control your emotions as you mindfully oversee what you wish to say. Reacting, on the other hand, causes things to get out of hand and the point of the conversation is lost. This is not the aim of effective communication.
Practice Makes Perfect
The most important tip on how to improve communication skills is constant practice. Participate in as many discussions and social interactions as you can. Practice the attentive listening as well as contributing to the conversation. It doesn’t have to be a serious discussion, even talking to friends and family is a good way to work on one’s communication skills. Always remember that effective communication is a tool for building relationships and a great way to introspect.

As you strive to improve your communication skill you will also develop your personality. You will find yourself more confident, self-assured and a good communicator. By the end of it, you will understand what is being said and what to say in return. 

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